Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Getting back on that bike...

Sorry my devoted readers, that I have deprived you of my deep insights for so long, but alas I am back! So far I have been pondering the existence of prejudice... and it seems that I will never be able to escape it. Today, I set out to help change the world and single-handedly set a world record (with 2600 other people). While I was there, I noticed a large amount of people who were incapable of not talking for not even two minutes while the announcer fellow tried to explain what to do. These obnoxious kids continued to talk and scream throughout the whole orientation with absolutely no care for anyone else. One lady next to me finally yelled at the kids and told them to be quiet. Of course this only aggravated the kids more and they began to yell back at the lady to my side. Eventually the kids began to mellow out and continue to listen to what the announcer was saying, but they were far from done with bothering everyone in the stadium. After we finally set the record, one particularly loud mouthed kid decided to spit in the woman's daughter's face from before. At first I couldn't believe what happened. No, I knew that didn't happen. Unfortunately it did though. Acts like these make me EXTREMELY aggravated. I have never wanted to punch a girl in the face more than I did that day. Normally I don't understand why adults are so prejudiced towards teenagers, but when I see something like this happen, I can't be surprised.
Actions like I witnessed today are what stays in adults minds. I can hardly blame them for yelling "you damn kids" whenever I walk by anymore. Oh well I suppose that is going to be my rant for today.... deuces

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