Sunday, November 1, 2009

Newfound Minority

I came across an article thanks to Elizabeth earlier that has really helped open my eyes about how different our customs can be compared to other countries. A white, female student described her adventures in India. She first described how she has never really thought about her race or sex. In America it is often a taboo subject to bring these things up. She continues to describe how when she is walking around India, she is often stared at. Not glanced at, but actually stared at. The main reason behind all of this staring is because in India, it isn't considered rude to openly stare at another person. Also the author was surprised by how open the people were about what questions they asked. Often times she was asked "are you married; when will you get married; and which religion are you". Normally that is not something that we ask in America, so it was rough for her to transition and adjust to these more open questions. All of these differences just help to further the authors original conclusion that she is a minority there. It's interesting to see the differences in cultures around the world and how differently people behave.


  1. Kyle, I noted you used the two words "she" and "author" frequently in your article. When I looked into the site I found out the authors name was Emily so try using that as another option in your article. I was alarmed by how different people look at each other or stare in different cultures.

  2. wow! that would be so weird to have some random person come up to you and ask that here in America and having not be rude to stare? That's extra weird haha. well good job on the writing piece!
